招募 | 第五届(2024)国际大学生夏令营招募开启

时间:2024-03-27  作者:国际交流处




Invitation to the 5th Silk Road International

Summer Camp for College Students


“一带一路”倡议背景下,由西安市教育局主办,西安文理学院承办的第五届(2024)“丝路十年 世界青年赓续前行绽芳华”国际大学生夏令营将于2024年7月1日至7月7日在中国西安举行。为期一周的夏令营诚邀来自世界各地的国际大学生,共同在西安体验丰富多彩的文化活动。

Dear International Students,

In the spirit of the "Belt and Road" initiative, the Xi'an Municipal Education Bureau is delighted to declare the upcoming 5th "Silk Road Decade: Global Youth Advancing and Flourishing" International Student Summer Camp. Organised by Xi'an University, this event is scheduled from July 1st to July 7th, 2024, in Xi'an, China. Spanning over a week, the camp welcomes international students from across the globe to Xi'an for an immersive cultural experience.



This camp offers a rich tapestry of activities encapsulated within three distinct themes: "Through the Ages","Contemporary China," and "Futurescape."(Please note: The itinerary might change as needed)


"Through the Ages": Campers will journey through time at ancient landmarks, tracing the Banpo civilization and the eras of the Qin and Ming dynasties, immersing themselves in the rich historical tapestry of Xi'an.


"Contemporary China": This segment provides immersive experiences showcasing the rapid advancements of modern China and Xi'an. Participants will witness cutting-edge automation at DJ's logistics centres, delve into agricultural innovation at the Aiju Grain Group in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative, and venture on high-speed rail to the Qinling Mountains for discussions on environmental stewardship.


"Futurescape": In this forward-looking theme, campers will step into the Xi'an High-tech Zone Comprehensive Bonded Area and the High-tech Zone International Work Service Centre to gain insights into China's employment and entrepreneurship policies. Additionally, exploratory visits to leading Chinese corporations such as BYD will illuminate the boundless opportunities for cross-border youth collaboration in shaping the future.



Participants are expected to cover their own travel expenses to and from Xi'an. However, the organisers will provide for all lodging, local transport, and scheduled activities within Xi'an, including airport pick-ups.



Click the link below the text to download and fill out the application form.



Please send the completed form to cieoffice@xawl.edu.cn.


Please note: This summer camp adopts a regular review and admission confirmation process. Once we receive your application form, we will review it as soon as possible. Upon confirmation of admission, we will contact the registrant to lock in the slot with a round-trip ticket confirmation.


We encourage interested students to register quickly to secure their itinerary as soon as possible.


Important Dates:


Deadline for submitting the application form: May 5th;


Deadline for confirming the itinerary: May 15th.

上一条:西安文理学院当选中国-中亚五国 交通基础设施人才培养联盟首届理事单位 下一条:俄罗斯专家团来我校访问交流


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Copyright© International Cooperation and Exchange Office (Hong Kong,Macau and Taiwan Affairs Office)

Address:No.1 Keji 6th Road, Xi'an, ShaanxiZip:710065Tel:029-89588086